Community Satisfaction Surveys – Evaluating City and Community Services   Howard Deutsch Towns and cities are under severe budget constraints. This article describes how conducting a community satisfaction survey can assess the performance of a wide range of community services and leaders, and provide information and insight for increasing performance and resident satisfaction, often without the need to increase spending. Listening to community residents and getting more value for property tax dollars How effective are your community’s
Martin Luther King Jr. and Civil Disobedience Nick DAlleva There is no argument that Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the most influential figures of the 21st century. Though the result of his crusade were positive, there still exists criticism in some camps where his actions were viewed as extremist. Martin Luther King Jr. was undoubtedly one of the most influential, if not one of the most important and crucial people in the twentieth century.  
Involvement in the Community Steven J. Brazis DDS Community values are explored. The value of giving back to the community and being involved with one another is an important building block of a strong community.   “We seem to need to see ourselves as going somewhere – as being on a journey in pursuit of a significant purpose.” Kenneth Thomas Politicians speak all the time about community values, strength of the community, and community responsibilities. Are